2008 RCN guidelines “Lets talk about Restraint” - although past review date this document on page 9 suggests through 3 case studies that the following questions should be considered…
if restraint (clinical holding) is used it should be…
What does this mean? How can/do you currently evidence this? Who decides?
2013 RCN Dignity in Healthcare for people with a learning disability offered using sedation as an example of good practice (p7).
2017 DoH Reducing the need for Restraint and Restrictive Intervention… discusses whether individuals should be restrained - i.e. page 40/41.
2018 University of Bristol CIPOLD (Confidential Inquiry into Premature of People with a Learning Disability), identified (p7) that problems with routine diagnosis and treatment has been identified as a common reason for premature deaths.
Public Health England Blood tests for people with learning disabilities: making reasonable adjustments (2017)
There are no clear documentation, articles, frameworks or total agreement about the clinical holding of children, young people or adults for procedures. Therefore we have developed the following framework to help you with planning, decision making and documentation to support clinical holding techniques.
This framework should be used for any hold that you use in practice and it’s a great way of talking to the patient, carers/parents, students/apprentices, etc., about preferences for holding and a useful means to help with documentation
Intro and approach, including consent.
Any concerns?
Procedure being performed
Purpose and benefit of hold
Characteristics of hold
Evaluation of Risk factors and action taken
Number of people required to apply this technique and their roles
How many attempts will be made?
When and why would you stop the procedure?
We know from our research and experiences, and it has been identified by colleagues in other countries, that holding is not mentioned in documentation (apart from some countries such as Turkey requiring parents signatures). This is because clinical holding regardless of what terminology is used is not regulated in any country. We can only refer to our professional codes, ethical frameworks and the international rights of the child to guide our practices.
Download the Framework for Clinical Holding (PDF)
The Restraint Reduction Network Training Standards 2019 have been written for training services delivered to education, health and social care services across the UK including services that support people with autism, learning disabilities, dementia and mental health conditions